Observations regarding the Perception of Dynamic Aspects in the "Nocturnes"of Francis Poulenc (“I.Nocturnes no. I-IV”)
dynamics, sonority, performanceAbstract
Through this foray in the world of the four Nocturnes of Francis Poulenc, I have highlighted in particular the importance of the study of expressivity and of musical dynamics as analytic observations regarding the usage of the dynamic parameter. The perception of the dynamic aspects, the deciphering of the meanings and their interpretation determines the correct rendering and conveyance of the artistic expressivity. The value of the emotional message is brought forth only through a performance that can reflect the compositional desires and the emotions of the composer. The correspondence between the dynamic indications present in a musical work and the other parameters involved in the musical whole (the melody, the harmony, the rhythm etc.) endow uniqueness to the compositional language – they become defining when it comes to rendering the affective intensity of the musical discourse and they therefore enhance the sonorous expressive effect. The task of the performer, other than to master their instrument, is to unveil these "connections", to find their corresponding expression.Downloads
Copyright (c) 2019 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VIII: Performing Arts

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