Psychometric qualities of the Scale for Goal-Oriented Learning Motivation on two Romanian samples


  • C. Truta Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • A.M. Cazan Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • L.T. David Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • S. Albisser Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
  • M. Keller-Schneider Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland


goal-oriented learning motivation, learning goals, social approval goals, avoidance goals, confirmatory factor analysis


Goal-oriented learning motivation is one of the key factors underlying teaching and learning sequence, as different types of goals lead to differences in effort investment for achieving tasks in students. Analyzing the data from a large sample (N=1875) of Romanian students and from a sample of Romanian teachers (N=190), the current paper discusses the psychometric qualities of an instrument built to assess the concept. Results show three factors structures (learning, social approval, and avoidance goals), with good reliability for the first and the second factor.


