The Game and Its Role in the Recovery of Students with Special Education Requirements


  • Nicoleta Lupu Special School, Brasov, Romania


special educational requirements, language disorders, learning difficulties, game


In the first part of the article, the main concepts from the specialized literature are defined: learning difficulties, speech disorders, special education requirements, and games. This report aims to demonstrate the effects of intervention through games on students with special educational needs. It starts from the assumption that pupils with SEN who will participate in the training through playing will get better results in the recovery process. A case study is presented to that end. The results showed that intervention through games favored motricity, the development of responsive participation in language development, and fostering the development of oral communication, mathematical skills, motivation for learning, and development rules. The objective of future research is to verify the game effects on the cognitive and non-cognitive development of a larger number of students with special needs.


