Understanding the Decision of the Tourist when Choosing an Accommodation: the Impact of the Image


  • S. Gil Moreno Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
  • J. Arana Padilla University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
  • A. Ispas Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • O. Seitan Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania


Accommodation image, condominium, non-hotel accommodation product, marketing, hospitality


Accommodation image is a topic that has been scarcely analyzed in the literature and needs further development. Moreover, no research, so far, has been realized on the condominium offer, even when this is the primary offer in some tourist destinations and has a critical role on the overall perception of the destination. This research aims for a deeper understanding of the accommodation image, going through a deep literature review to identify the theoretical dimensions that form the condominium image, obtaining the main dimensions of the cognitive image that characterize this product, as well as analyzing the influence of those different dimensions on the overall image of the accommodation. Interestingly, empirical results of this study suggest that the condominium image is formed by 7 factors: “Secondary services”, “Food and Beverage”, “Staff and cleanliness”, “Kitchen”, “Outside areas”, “Primary services” and “Price”. Moreover, “Staff and cleanliness”, “Kitchen”, “Outside areas” and “Primary services” are the dimensions that have a greater influence on the overall accommodation image. Academic and practitioners implications are stressed.

Author Biographies

S. Gil Moreno, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Associate professor, Business Department. Edif. departamental
de la facultad de CC.EE. y EE. Módulo C. Campus universitario de Tafira

J. Arana Padilla, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Professor of Economics. Applied Economics Department. Edif. Departamental de la Facultad de CC.EE. y EE. Módulo D. Campus universitario de Tafira.

A. Ispas, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Dept. of Marketing, Tourism, Services and International Transactions

O. Seitan, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Dept. of Marketing, Tourism, Services and International Transactions



