The Role of Strength in the Physical Training of C. S. S. Targoviste Junior B Football Team


  • C. Prisacaru S.S.C. Targoviste, Romania
  • A. Ungureanu University of Craiova, Romania


circuit, station, junior, maximum possibilities, preparing period, action systems


The methodological procedure of developing strength – the circuit – has amazing effects on developing the morphofunctional indices and on the motor qualities by requiring to the same extent all the muscle groups and the cardio-vascular system. We maintain and improve physical training during the cold season, and also action with priority on developing the motor quality – the circuit. The chosen team was the C.S.S. Târgovişte Junior B football team, made of 19 - 15-16 year-old sportsmen and all the activity took place at the end of the return and the beginning of the championship tour 2011-2012 (fifteen weeks). In this regard, we set forth the hypothesis according to which by applying the circuit for developing general strength all along the cold season it will have significant progress and will implicitly contribute to enriching the physical training of the juniors. The action systems were the exercises of the 9 stations of the circuit, evidently with the individual dosage for each junior (½ from the maximum possibilities + the growth rate) which was agreed on after the first meeting and was later modified according to each sportsman’s progress. The same exercises (as a maximum number of performances) were transferred to the trials applied for the two testings (initial and final). Afterwards, there was progress from the initial to the final testing in all juniors for each station of the circuit which led to the conclusion that the application of it is efficient for the general development of strength, the fact that draws an improvement of the physical training.

Author Biographies

C. Prisacaru, S.S.C. Targoviste, Romania

department Dambovita

A. Ungureanu, University of Craiova, Romania

Physical Education and Sport Faculty




