Le mythe personnel de Charles Baudelaire dans ses Journaux intimes. Fusees. Mon coeur mis a nu: enjeux modernes et actuels de la psychocritique


  • Iringo Cora "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania


the personnel myth, metaphores obsedantes, metaphorical networks, psychoanalytic criticism, psycho biographic analysis, «androgyneite», the self journal, Charles Baudelaire


Baudelaire’s inner world (reality) expressed by his own creation (the leading themes, the” metaphors obsédantes”, etc.) in “Journaux intimes. Fusées. Mon coeur mis a nu”, reveals a new universal reality of the existence of semi-conscious self, personnel myth of the creator and both the creation and creator double nature. Due to his metaphorical networks and his complex way of expressing reality as well as his inner world, Charles Baudelaire’s creation offers the necessary conceptual framework to develop both a semi-psycho analytic criticism and a semi-psycho biographic analysis in order to validate the relevance of his personnel myth and to underline the pertinence of such universal myth of the genius writer. Due to the complex force of construction, Baudelaire’s personnel myth has an important archetypal function which was revealed by other creators through its double nature, the “androgynéité”. Therefore, the transition from the “sui generis” personnel myth to the one of the writer is made, by underlining the androgyny spirit, “the complex expression of a genius” (as stated by Ladjali).




