Author guidelines


Journal indexed in EBSCO Publishing


The Journal (ISSN 2066-768X - Print, ISSN 2066-7698 - CD-ROM) aims to offer an efficient framework of analysis as well as communication between Romanian and international research in the field of Human Sciences. It also sets a series of high academic standards (by the peer-reviewing process, specialized scientific committee, English language abstracts, and articles), supporting the connections between Romanian research in the field of Literature, Cultural Studies, Language and Linguistics, and international mainstream academic publishing.


Criteria for publication: scientific relevance, originality, academic accuracy, relevant and sufficient evidence support.

Articles may cover areas such as Literature, Cultural Studies, Language, and Linguistics.

Only original papers (not previously published) are accepted. The submission language preferred is English, but contributions in French or German are also accepted if the topic is related to these languages or literature. 



The peer-review policy of the journal is detailed on the current website at All manuscripts are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board as well as qualified external reviewers. The language revision is performed by the language specialists of the Faculty of Letters. The reviewers’ comments will be sent to the authors according to the schedule of each issue.


Legal Requirements

The entire responsibility for the content, data accuracy, and references pertains to the author(s). The author(s) has/have to obtain the right to make use of any material undergoing copyright protection.

The content and the opinions submitted in the published articles are understood as individual expressions pertaining to the author(s) and not to the editors of the journal.

The author(s) are encouraged to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher upon acceptance of an article by the journal, using the assignment of Copyright agreement The transfer of copyright from author to publisher must be clearly stated in writing to enable the publisher to assure maximum dissemination of the author’s work.


Submission of papers

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by using the system available here:


For manuscript preparation, please use the template.


Other specifications

The entire responsibility for the content of the paper pertains to the author. The author has to obtain the right to make use of any material undergoing copyright protection. The affirmations and the opinions submitted in the published articles are understood as individual expressions pertaining to the author and not to the editors of the journal.


The following instructions for authors will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.

Instructions for Authors

Paper Template

Copyright Agreement

For further communication please contact:

Senior Editor: Rodica Ilie, Professor, PhD

 Secretary of the Editorial Board: Cristina Silvia Valcea, Lecturer, at