Physical Finsler coordinates in spacetime


  • Howard E. Brandt U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA


Finsler geometry, Finslerian fields, quantum field theory, microcausality, maximal proper acceleration, spacetime tangent bundle, relativity, light cone, causal domain


In Finsler geometry, a Finsler coordinate is a coordinate in the tangent space manifold of a given base manifold. As such it has been given various definitions in the relativity and field theory literature and often even remains undefined physically. Physically meaningful coordinates of a point in the tangent bundle of spacetime are the spacetime and four-velocity coordinates of the measuring device. It is here emphasized that the four-velocity of the measuring device need not be the same as the four-velocity of the measured object, either classically or quantum mechanically. The four-velocity of a measured particle excitation of a Finslerian quantum field in the tangent space manifold of spacetime is not a suitable physical Finsler coordinate. The role of the Finsler coordinate is elaborated in a detailed example involving a Finslerian quantum field and associated microcausality.

Author Biography

Howard E. Brandt, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA




