Author guidelines


Papers can be submitted online using the "Submit papers" button.


 Authors are invited to submit complete and original papers, which have not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be written in English or French. The manuscripts will include the names of all the authors with their addresses and e-mail addresses.

The authors must be written in alphabetical order.

The manuscripts must be typeset using the LATEX 2e system, according to the Template, given belowWe do not recommend the AMS-LATEX versions of the typeset.

Titles should be informative for the content of the paper. An abbreviated title consisting of no more characters (including spaces) must accompany all articles.

The papers will include an abstract not exceeding eight rows, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, and Keywords and phrases.

The first section is usually an introduction, presenting the general framework of the paper, historical notes, and relevance of the main results. The body of the article should be usually divided into sections. The results should be distinguished correspondingly as theorems, propositions, lemmas, and corollaries. Also, definitions remarks and examples may be used.

References should be relevant to the subject of the paper. The list of references must be in alphabetical chronological order. Abbreviations of names of journals and references should follow the standard form established by the Mathematical Reviews. The reference styles are described in Template.  We recommend to the authors to submit papers not exceeding 16 printed pages and preferable having an even number of pages.

Figures must be of publication quality, with no handwritten elements. The figures have to be numbered consecutively and cited in the text.  For preparing the figures, vector graphic EPS or vector PDF files are the most useful.

Reviewing process

All manuscripts are refereed by an anonymous referee. Page proofs will be made available to the corresponding author in PDF format, by e-mail.

Copyright Agreement

Authors of papers that have been accepted for publication will be asked to sign a copyright agreement.

Final submission

After acceptance, the authors will prepare carefully the final version of the paper, according to the possible referee’s suggestions. The authors must indicate the modifications made in the revised version of the paper. At the final submission, the author will send the TEX and PDF files of the manuscript together with the files in vector graphics format for all diagrams in the manuscript. We encourage you to bundle your figure files into a single archive (using .zip, or .rar).

The authors are invited to submit their articles in LATEX and PDF form, according to the given template.

The figures must be given in jpeg, png, or pdf form, as separate files.

The asked language is English.

Template                           Example

The following instructions for authors will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.

Instructions for Authors

Paper Template

Copyright Agreement