Forest-Use Issues in Moscow Region at the Beginning of 21st Century


  • S.A. Korotkov Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia
  • V.A. Makuev Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia
  • M.V. Lopatnikov Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia
  • V.V. Nikitin Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia
  • A.V. Sirotov Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia
  • L.V. Stonozhenko Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia


forest cover, forest maturity, forest road network, spruce forests


This paper reflects the forest-cover dynamics in the Moscow area for more than a 300-year period and the factors which influence the forest cover. It assesses the current state of the region’s forests and emphasizes the anthropogenic impact on the forest, as well as its possible associated risks. The work considers various approaches to the issue of determining maturity age. The necessity of developing silvicultural systems for protection forests, which allow the use of wood before stand decomposition was stressed.

Author Biographies

S.A. Korotkov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia

1–st Instituskaya str., Mytischi-5, Moscow reg., 141005

V.A. Makuev, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia

1–st Instituskaya str., Mytischi-5, Moscow reg., 141005

M.V. Lopatnikov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia

1–st Instituskaya str., Mytischi-5, Moscow reg., 141005

V.V. Nikitin, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia

1–st Instituskaya str., Mytischi-5, Moscow reg., 141005

A.V. Sirotov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia

1–st Instituskaya str., Mytischi-5, Moscow reg., 141005

L.V. Stonozhenko, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytischi Branch (BMSTU MB), Russia

1–st Instituskaya str., Mytischi-5, Moscow reg., 141005




