Author guidelines


Journal indexed in EBSCO Publishing


Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series II is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal publishing original research papers on forestry, wood engineering, and food processing. Review papers may be considered if invited by the editors. Manuscripts submitted must not have been previously published and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submission language is British English.
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov uses the Open Journal System (OJS) for the management of submissions. All manuscripts must be uploaded through the OJS online submission platform
The following instructions for authors will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.

Legal Requirements
The entire responsibility for the content, data accuracy, and references pertains to the author(s). The author(s) has/have to obtain the right to make use of any material undergoing copyright protection.
The content and the opinions submitted in the published articles are understood as individual expressions pertaining to the author(s) and not to the editors of the journal.
The author(s) are encouraged to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher upon acceptance of an article by the journal, using the assignment of Copyright Agreement ( The transfer of copyright from author to publisher must be clearly stated in writing to enable the publisher to assure maximum dissemination of the author’s work.

Page charge
There is no charge per printed page.

Manuscript preparation
A template for submissions is available (
Manuscripts generally contain the following sections in this order: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and References.

Title - a brief phrase describing the contents of the paper; the Title Page should include the authors' full name, affiliation, and ORCID iD.

Abstract will briefly present the topic, stating the research objectives, indicating significant data, and pointing out major findings and conclusions.

Keywords - there will be 4 to 6 significant keywords (or groups of words).

Introduction will provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results, and will include the research objectives/questions at the end.

Materials and methods will provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described.

Results should be clear and concise. Use of figures and tables is recommended.

Discussion should explore and interpret the significance of the own results.

Conclusions – state the main message of your paper in a few sentences.

The Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be done briefly.

References will be organized in alphabetical order, considering the name of the first author, and in chronological order for the publications of the same author.
All references have to be quoted in the text.

Figures and Tables must be embedded in the text (see the template for more details).
Please note that one may have a single paper as first author and one as co-author per issue. Series II has two issues per year; the first one is published in June and the second one in December.

The following instructions for authors will guide authors stepwise through the submission process.

Instructions for Authors

Paper Template

Copyright Agreement

Please note that one may publish a single paper as first author or co-author per issue.