Fast-Growing Poplar Clones Production of Biofuel Feedstock on Marginal Lands
poplar, clones, biofuel feedstock, landsAbstract
The yield of standard annual cuttings from the mother poplar plantation remains high enough for the 15th year in such clones as ´Ijzer-5´, ´Robusta´, ´Tardif de Champagne´, and ´San Giorgio´. Clones ´Ghoy´ and ´Dorskamp´ showed a high level of survival (47 and 80%, respectively) after planting in phytomeliorated mix of loess-like loam and red brown clay in the Dnipropetrovsk province. The differences in the thermal characteristics of the samples of tested cultivars reflected in changes in the composition of extracted substances caused both genetic, climatic, and soil conditions.