Exploring the benefits of Music Therapy in reducing stress and anxiety


  • Ion Negrila Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania




therapy, music therapy, stress, anxiety


The progress of a minor represents a transition from one age stage to another. The period of adolescence is crucial in the evolution of the individual. Adolescence, in particular, fits the period of students in grades IX - XI. This stage is accompanied by not only physical changes, but also psychological ones. Young people in the higher cycle are preparing for the Baccalaureate exam - a defining moment in their existence, which generates an increased level of anxiety. Currently, there is an increase in the number of anxious students before taking exams. Anxiety is the inclination of an individual to feel a state of restlessness, which is an emotion. This state is characterized by subjective feelings of tension, anxiety, gloomy predictions and, physiologically, by the activation of the autonomic nervous system. The chosen topic is relevant because the number of students in the higher cycle concerned about passing the final exams is increasing, generating anxiety, uncertainty and fear. An increase in the level of anxiety negatively affects the processes of development of a healthy personality, professional self-determination, which faces significant difficulties. The absence of a practical approach to the development of this problem, together with its high importance both personally and socially, determined its selection as a research subject. We believe that music therapy, which involves not only listening to music, but also performing songs that help cultivate a positive attitude in students, can help solve difficulties related to reducing anxiety levels in students.




