George Enescu – In the light of recent documents
composer, biography, symphony, word-wide, opera, facsimilAbstract
Many things have been written throughout history about our great composer and also one of the most important universal composers of the 20th century. I will refer in the following to five books edited from 1990 until 2004, besides George Manoliu`s bilingual book: Alex. Cosmovici – George Enescu în lumea muzicii si în familie, Editura Muzicala – Bucuresti, 1990; Ilie Kogălniceanu – Destainuiri despre George Enescu, Editura Minerva & Editura R.A.I. – Bucuresti, 1996; Valeriu Rapeanu – Enescu – Contributii documentare, reconstituiri, interpretari, Casa de editura PRO, 1998; Viorel Cosma – Eseuri, exegeze si documente enesciene, Editura Libra – Bucuresti, 2001 and Titu-Marius I. Bajenescu – O viata inchinata muzicii: George Enescu, Editura Pontfix/Romania; Pont, Hungary, 2004.Downloads
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