Study on Attractiveness and Efficiency of Specific Means to Aquagym and Aquafitnes


  • A. Badau George Baritiu University of Brasov, Romania
  • D. Badau George Baritiu University of Brasov, Romania
  • E. Peropoulos Kapodistria University, Athens, Greece


aquagym, means of action, attractiveness, efficiency, players


Aquagym and aquafitness are very efficient ways to increase effort capacity, primarily due to an unstable environment that requires the active participation of all muscle groups in an attempt to perform different movements for maintaining balance and also because of exercising through superior physical indexes aiming amplitude, mobility, flexibility, and strength. The complexity and attractiveness of these specific means to aquarium and aquafitness are completed by the beneficial effects of exercise, which led to the increase of the number of such programs, especially in the framework of carried-out activities at swimming pools, spas, and rehabilitation centers. To boost the general physical condition, specific means adapted to the aquatic environment can also be used such as complex coordinated free exercises, flexibility, and some swimming exercises that besides the physiological effects, strengthen joints by increasing the muscle flexibility of the body.

Author Biographies

A. Badau, George Baritiu University of Brasov, Romania

Physical Education and Sport Faculty

D. Badau, George Baritiu University of Brasov, Romania

Physical Education and Sport Faculty




