Anatol Vieru and his theory. A continuum of growing up in musical structuring


  • Laurentiu Beldean Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania


symmetry, mode, structural mathematics, the composition function, transposition


The composer Anatol Vieru intuited the extraordinary force of the concept of symmetry. This attracted him to mathematics. A mathematician, Dan Vuza, articulated the form in which the domain deepened by Vieru can turn into a theoretical development shaped by structural mathematics. This study tries to catch what a contemporary theory can do/undo by its forms, its rule of elaboration. The Book of Modes is the compendium, in which Vieru develops his theory. Touching upon sensitive points which we might sometimes miss from the referential frames through a clock-type lecture ‒ or through a reflex-wisely maintained lecture with things familiar to a musician ‒ ,but which (often even just themselves) can convey meaning, solidly arrange the aggregation elements of that respective theory is the main reason that justifies this study. The merit of Vieru’s theory is that it operates organically between the streaks of the empirical and scientific (with a pronounced tendency towards the scientific). It will show along the way that this theory is neither a commonplace understanding, nor does it educate a musician; it “initiates” him.




