A universal prototype of health


  • S. Dragulin Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • L.-C. Suteu Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania


musical therapy, mental imagery, a universal prototype


The mission of this article is to study the theoretical model determined by a substantial background in clinical practice, in the style of musical therapy. It will be shaped by universal fundamentals taken from other disciplines. They present current approaches in musical therapy and literature and also, focused on healing or ameliorating illnesses through music. It will be defined as the reason for searching for a theoretical structure that is based on procedures aimed at musical therapy, permitting a better comprehension of the clinical work. There will be analyzed fundamentals in medicine, psychology, and science, guiding this prototype of musical therapy. Mental imagery presents a major role in this kind of therapy, being expressed and evaluated in this study. A universal prototype of health will be presented with clinical examples.

Author Biographies

S. Dragulin, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Music

L.-C. Suteu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Music 





