Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Gabriela Ratulea, PhD, Prof.
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Digital Transition and Work Pedagogy
Fabrizio D’Aniello
The article addresses the relationship between productive work and the digital transition from a pedagogical perspective, focusing in particular on the role that this transition can play in expanding co-educational opportunities linked to the relational sphere. Going beyond the purely economic and functionalist purposes of a neoliberal performative rationality, the argument highlights the importance of an ethical-communicative-emotional training to promote mutual recognition and thus an inclusive “reflection in action” aimed at generating extra-performative learning and responding to instances of human meaning, development and realisation.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Cyberbullying. How to Deal with this Phenomenon using the Restorative Justice Paradigm
P. Nicolini
G. Mancini
E. Manoni
E. Maranesi
B. Smargiassi
V. Guardabassi
Due to the negative impact cyberbullying has on adolescents’ health, there is a great attention on preventing such situations in schools. The action research approach carried out in one school will be illustrated, focusing on the methodology adopted. The meetings organized in school aimed at creating a restorative attitude among students, by using dialogue and negotiation of conflicts, recognizing the different roles of all actors involved and their different motivations, with the possibility to find common solutions and better tools to face possible episodes of cyberbullying.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Psychological Determinants of the Trajectories of Self-quantification and Digitalization of Professional Cyclists’ Physical Activity: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations
Y. Linossier
G. Martinent
M. Quidu
Digitalization and self-quantification have permeated the field of high-level sport, particularly professional cycling. The data generated by connected objects and applications are used to improve riders' performance. However, no longitudinal study has documented the dynamics of the psychological determinants of professional cyclists' trajectories in digitization and self-quantification. To this end, the present research elaborates on the theoretical and methodological considerations regarding a longitudinal protocol, within the framework of a mixed research method.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
The Role of Academic Mentoring in Building Sustainable Universities
M. Voinea
M. Adamuti-Trache
<p>International cooperation, digitalization, human diversity are social trends imposing new demands on universities to be more open to society and become catalysts of social transformation. EUA education policy documents have underlined the expectations that the European universities in 2030 should be “Open”, transformative and transnational; Sustainable, diverse and engaged; Strong, autonomous and accountable” institutions. To attain these goals, universities have to engage in a reform of academic careers. The premise of this paper is that developing a mentoring culture on university campuses would contribute to the growth of the academic community (from students to staff and faculty). In particular, we argue that a multi-faceted model of academic mentoring that includes forms like reverse mentoring and network mentoring, centered on the needs of university professors, should be viewed as a solution for reforming university careers and creating inclusive and sustainable universities.</p>
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Benefits, Challenges, and Perspectives
Marius Bazgan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has begun to reshape the educational landscape, promising to bring profound changes to how teaching and learning are conducted in schools. The integration of AI into the educational system is expected to influence various aspects of schooling. The current research investigates the perceptions of educators and students regarding the integration of AI in education, focusing on five key dimensions: personalized learning, assessment and feedback, administrative efficiency, ethical considerations, and specific challenges related to AI implementation. Data were collected through anonymous responses to 5-point Likert scale survey questions to ensure candid insights for research purposes.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Warning Signs of Aggression in the School Environment and the Issue of their Perception and Evaluation
Tibor A. Brecka
This paper provides a theoretical analysis of violent behavior within school environments, synthesizing relevant literature to describe key aspects of aggression and its manifestations. It explores the challenges of perception, interpretation, and timely evaluation of warning signs, focusing on the factors that influence recognition and response to signals indicating potential risks. By presenting a comprehensive framework, this study aims to enhance theoretical understanding and offer insights into improving awareness and evaluation techniques. These findings contribute to fostering a safer and more protective school environment for students and staff.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
The Hybrid Use of Virtual Learning Environment: A Bridge between Theory and Practice
Mirela Doga
This article examines the integration of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) into contemporary educational frameworks, focusing on their theoretical foundations, general applications, and practical implementation. The author proposes a three-phase hybrid model for VLE usage, organizing learning activities into pre-class, in-class, and post-class phases, all unified by the use of Microsoft Teams. This model seamlessly blends online and face-to-face elements, utilizing VLE tools like Teams to enhance engagement, foster collaboration, and support deeper learning. By addressing both the advantages and challenges of VLEs, the article highlights their transformative role in bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, presenting a flexible and adaptable framework for modern education.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Enhancing Social and Academic Success for High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder Students in Tertiary Education
I. Kocurova-Giurgiu
M. Loffelmannova
This review examines integrating social thinking principles and Theory of Mind development to support high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD) students in tertiary education. We present an evidence-based framework for enhancing social and academic outcomes, drawing from developmental research, cognitive psychology, and higher education practices. The paper highlights social cognition's crucial role in academic success, providing implementation strategies for university settings while addressing unique challenges and opportunities for adult ASD learners.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Backward Design – An Innovative Instructional Model in Planning Higher Education Courses
Iuliana Lungu
This study explores the application of Backward Design, an instructional framework focused on active learning, and on curriculum development and course planning for higher education. Developed by Jay Grant Wiggins and McTighe in 1998, Backward Design encourages instructors to establish student learning outcomes before developing course content and assessments. This framework is applied here to the initial training of pre-service English teachers at Ovidius University of Constanta, aiming to equip them with outcome-driven teaching strategies. The findings are relevant and demonstrate that Backward Design can create more engaging, measurable, and impactful learning experiences, highlighting its potential to reshape traditional teaching practices.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Can University Students' Beliefs Mediate the Link between Dark Triad Traits and Academic Dishonesty?
A. Ivan
M. Pavalache-Ilie
This article presents the mediating role of Academic Entitlement on the relationship between the Dark Triad personality traits (e.g. psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism) and students' engagement in unethical academic behaviours (e.g. plagiarism, cheating). The study included 155 students enrolled in various universities across Romania. These findings indicate that externalized responsibility was the only factor which mediate the relationship between Dark Triad traits and Academic Dishonesty.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Psychometric Validation of the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 in a Romanian Sample
E. Probierz
L.T. David
The aim of this study is to test and conduct a psychometric validation of this scale on a Romanian version of The Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale (GPIUS2). To realize this objective, dimensionality, reliability and theoretical relevance of the scale under study were analysed. The sample consisted of 347 people (M=27.52 years, SD=9.82). In addition, the Internet Addiction Scale (IAT) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) questionnaires were also used in the study. The conducted research indicates that the Romanian version of GPIUS2 is characterized by satisfactory indicators of reliability and theoretical accuracy, as well as scale structure.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Academic Success, Failure and Resilience in Youth Education in a Digitized Society
A. Sitoiu
G. Panisoara
The digitized society imposes dynamic in the education of young people from the perspective of free time, but also of the way in which one's own resources and responsibilities are managed. Resilience becomes a necessary skill for managing the stress associated with academic failure (Walsh, 2016b), but also for adapting to the conditions necessary to achieve academic success (Sony & Mekoth, 2022). The purpose of this theoretical analysis is to describe the role of resilience for academic success and failure. It was found that factors such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, parental support, mentoring, but also educational programs that contribute to development of management skills, act in opposition to risk factors (Zimmerman, 2013).
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Psychological Perspectives on Fear of Childbirth
D. Kanellopoulos
K. Gourounti
The current review aims to shed light on the psychology of tokophobia (fear of childbirth) with an emphasis on its etiology, as well as its physiological, cognitive and behavioral aspects for suffering women/mothers. Findings from the most recent reviewed articles support the perspective that its etiology is attributed to the way the woman’s/mother's personality is structured and organized, the comorbidity with anxiety or depressive disorders, the possibly unfavorable family and/or social environment, the poor emotional husband support, the possible history of abuse, as well as any previous traumatic child delivery experience. At the same time, other factors such as family finances, the woman’s/mother’s age and emotional maturity, the degree to which the gestation was desired, and the woman’s/mother’s education on labor and motherhood are also proven to significantly contribute to the gradual psychological construction of that specific type of phobia. The variety of the primary articles reviewed makes any further conclusions hard to draw. Nevertheless, these endless and unjustifiable vicious circles of fear of childbirth seem to be a major concern for scientists and psychologists to further investigate. The following factors should be investigated in future research for their potential impact on the development of fear of childbirth: 1) the neurobiology of pregnancy and childbirth, 2) the woman’s personality, 3) the hormonal and biochemical factors, and 4) the influence of social and mass media on fear of childbirth.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Perfectionism in Teacher Education: An Empiric Approach to the Challenges of Digitalized Society
Alina Turculet
The perfectionism profiles of student teachers were investigated using a questionnaire-based inquiry. The statistical analysis enhanced medium to high levels of perfectionism of the participants, without any differences between the students enrolled in different faculties. The findings showed unequal variances of perfectionism in the groups of traditional and non-traditional students. Considering the challenges of the digitalized society and the characteristics of younger teacher students, aspects of perfectionism and mindset that would address nowadays realities should be introduced in the learning process. Teacher education would offer the appropriate perspective to perfectionism and attending standards.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Sustainability in European University Alliances: A Thematic Analysis of Mission Statements
Elena Ungureanu
This study analyzes how 17 European university alliances from the first wave of the European Universities Initiative (2019) frame sustainability education in their mission statements. Using reflexive thematic analysis, three themes emerged: Student Agency, Driving Sustainable Change, and Navigating Global-Local Dynamics through Posthuman Bildung. The findings highlight how alliances align global sustainability goals, such as the SDGs, with local contexts, emphasizing collective responsibility, relational engagement, and ecological interconnectedness. This research sheds light on the transformative role of alliances in advancing sustainability in higher education.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Effects of Midwifery Psychoeducational Intervention on Reducing the Number of Cesarean Sections Due to Tokophobia
D. Kanellopoulos
K. Gourounti
The purpose of the current review was to underline the beneficiary effect that the appropriate midwifery psychoeducational intervention can have, on the reduction of the number of cesarean sections that are attributed to tokophobia (fear of childbirth). The research data available so far show that pregnant women who attend midwifery psychoeducation and maternal preparation classes (both prepartum and postpartum) tend to better recognize, understand and interpret their deep and personal feelings and beliefs regarding gestation, labor and motherhood, thus being able to experience less intense anxiety and fear for the upcoming labor, as well as to be ready to ask for the appropriate help or information whenever needed. Additionally, midwifery intervention proves to be valuable in terms of highlighting the stronger emotional bonding that vaginal delivery will naturally bring between mother and newborn -which serves as an extra factor that encourages women’s choice in favor of vaginal delivery. In that context, most psychoeducated women can documentedly and more confidently choose vaginal delivery over cesarean section, and have higher possibilities of enjoying an overall better quality of life -both prenatally and postnatally.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Exploring Students' Digital and Information Literacy Skills: A Qualitative Approach
D. Popa
A. Vasilescu
This study investigates students' digital and information literacy competencies through a qualitative design, emphasizing their ability to use digital resources effectively. Through semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and document analysis, data were collected from a diverse group of students. Findings show that students rate their level of information and digital literacy as average, which may suggest some uncertainty about the applicability of these competencies in academic and professional settings. The study highlights the crucial role of educators in promoting these skills through targeted interventions. Recommendations are offered for policy development and practical strategies to bridge the skills gap.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Training Ecological Thinking in Early School Age Students through Integration of Curriculum Contents
Elena Chiriac
The article explores the formation of ecological thinking in young school-age students by integrating ecological education into the school curriculum. The need for individual and collective responsibility towards the environment and influence on student behavior is highlighted. The study promotes the use of STE(A)M methods to stimulate involvement in practical ecological projects, demonstrating that primary education can form responsible and empathetic citizens with nature.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Investigating the Relation between Personality Factors and Self-Perceived Reflectivity of Primary School Teachers
A.-M Cioloca
M.-D Bocos
The present study aims to investigate whether certain personality traits of the participants (extraversion and conscientiousness) are associated with the degree of self-perceived reflexivity of teachers. After applying the Big Five©plus_short personality test and examining the relationship between teachers' self-perceived professional reflexivity and teachers' personality factors, the statistical analysis of the data shows that there is no significant correlation between extraversion and self-perceived professional reflexivity. However, on the other hand, we found that there is a significant correlation between conscientiousness and self-perceived personal reflexivity.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Digitalized Exercises versus Practical Exercises in Training Physiotherapists to Identify Motor Movements
Elena S. Indreica
This study proposes a comparative analysis between two tasks carried out with students from the study program with a physiotherapy profile – the digitalized version and the practical version. The aim was to determine which is the most optimal option in developing the skill of physiotherapists to identify movements and the muscles related to each movement in a motor process. Methods used in data collection - observation sheet; worksheet for identifying stages - movements - muscles; 30-second verification test of association of movements used in making the origami module with similar movements used in daily routine activities. For comparative analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test was used. The conclusion was that in terms of developing the skills of future physiotherapists to identify movements and the muscles associated with each movement, practical tasks are those that favor performance.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Addressing Social Media Impact on Youth Mental Health in a Comprehensive Focus-Group Based Research Approach
Claudia M. Oprescu
This paper examines the psychological health effects of excessive social media use among teens, addressing the increasingly concerning issue of internet addiction as a global health threat. Specifically, the focus group research study explores the psychosocial effects, revealing that adolescents frequently immerse themselves in social media and use it as an escape mechanism. The findings highlight the pressing need for tailored interventions to mitigate the potential emotional negative effects and to provide integrated service solutions to support safer and healthier online habits among youth.
Copyright (c) 2024 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series VII: Social Sciences • Law