Constructivist Paradigm in the Learning of School Mathematics


  • D. Caprioara Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
  • M. Anghelide School no. 1 Targusor, Constanta, Romania


constructivism, school mathematics, learning process, didactic strategies


Mathematics is, for most students, a challenge that requires for its learning a considerable effort. As a dimension of the scholarly curriculum, it is based on the internal logic of the science of reference, but mathematical knowledge must be built in relation to the student’s psychic life-specific features. In the teaching process, this statement is the main actor, the role of the teacher being that of a facilitator, guide, coach, organizer, stimulator, support, and coordinator. From the constructivist theory’s view, learning as an active, direct, and experiential process is a personal frame, initiated, managed, assessed, and regulated by the one who is learning.


