A Decadent Age - 1900. Freud and Cocaine


  • Andrada Fatu-Tutoveanu Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania


cocaine, Sigmund Freud, 19th century, panacea, opium, medicine, hallucinogens


In 1883-1884, Sigmund Freud was a young neurologist in search for a brilliant medical discovery to launch his scientific career. After studying some American papers on the subject, but also the results Dr. Theodor Aschenbrandt had obtained on German ground, Freud has become interested in cocaine. A less familiar drug at the time (in comparison with the opiates), cocaine would prove impressive effects - during experiments – on fatigue, pain and many other medical problems. Freud was both interested in the substance as a cure for different diseases and as an intellectual stimulant (as he could notice trying the drug himself). As Freud becomes involved at various levels (at scientific, clinical, personal level and so on), the study analysis the stages of his interest in cocaine, also the part he has played in the scientific research regarding cocaine and last but not least, his relation with the ‘decadent’ world around the year 1900.

Author Biography

Andrada Fatu-Tutoveanu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Research Assistant (Human Sciences)



