Hyperthyroidism at debut and the left ventricle mass


  • C. Scarneciu Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • I. Nedelcu Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • I. Scarneciu Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • V. Scarneciu Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania


thyreotoxicosis, hypertrophy, reversible, left ventricle


It’s a well known fact that thyroidian hormones stimulate by direct nuclear action the production of proteins in general, which can lead to cardiac hypertrophy. We have performed a prospective study on 72 hyperthyroidian patients with ages between 18 and 49 years, newly diagnosed, without cardiovascular problems of other nature. These patients were ecocardigraphicaly evaluated at admission and after receiving the euthyroidism results, these were compared to a control lot formed out of 25 persons. Through 2D ecography a dimension increase in the left ventricle was observed in all hyperthyroidian patients, on 66% reaching sizes that define hypertrophy. The increasing of the left ventricle was symmetric, affecting the septum as well as the ventricular walls. The increasing procentage was about 25% on average being correlated with the level of thyroidian hormones and not the disease duration or the type of affliction. The left ventricular mass grows early in thyreotoxicosis, proportional with the level of thyroidian hormones and not the type of disease, this being at least partially reversible when reaching euthyroidism.

Author Biographies

C. Scarneciu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Medicine, Dep of Internal Medicine

I. Nedelcu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Medicine, Dep of Internal Medicine

I. Scarneciu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Medicine, Dep of Urology

V. Scarneciu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Medicine



