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Series V: Economic Sciences https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V <h2>Aim</h2> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif'; color: black;">The mission of the Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov - Series V is to promote both research in the field of economics and business administration and the dissemination of partnerships and joint projects developed by Romanian and international experts, as well.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif'; color: black;">The Bulletin of the <em><span style="font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">Transilvania</span></em> University of Brasov, Series V - Economic Sciences has been included within the DOAJ database, <span style="background-attachment: scroll;">from 2012 </span>and the CABI database, from 2011. 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Gabriel BRATUCU) biblioteca@unitbv.ro (Corina Monica Pop) Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Communication Strategies in the Fast Food Industry in Romania https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6812 The article analyzes the existing technologies and means of mechanization of melon and cucumber seeds, which showed that the imperfection of existing equipment is, first of all, the lack of necessary specialized machines and leads to unacceptable rates of loss and clogging of seeds. The research projects were carried out to study the mechanical and technological properties of placenta particles and seeds of melon and cucumber, the results of which were used to theoretically substantiate the process of obtaining seeds. Experimental studies of the technological process of obtaining seeds for these crops, as well as their analysis, made it possible to substantiate the boundaries of the main operating modes of the new complex of machines. Marius Balasescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6812 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Consumer Motivation in Self Online Learning https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6813 This paper evaluates the consumption motivation regarding online learning. The research aims to gather information regarding learning engagement, motivation, satisfaction, and barriers to accessing and completing online courses. Grasping the patterns of digital course participants is vital for academic bodies and decision-makers to create and advocate for engaging online educational journeys. Collecting data concerning various factors aids in pinpointing consumer categories according to their necessities. S. Bulboaca, A. Tulbure Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6813 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Market Segmentation Based on Materialistic, Conspicuous, and Traditionalist Goals in Support of an Effective Industrial Design https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6814 One important line of action in the marketing field is the conception of products attractive to consumers. Industrial design plays a significant role in this action. However, the traditional market segmentation is not very useful from the industrial design point of view. Also, because the traditional criteria for market segmentation are becoming less efficient in general, the experts from the field are looking for new criteria. The research presented here is focused on the relationship between industrial design, consumer profile, and product contribution to materialistic, conspicuous, and traditionalist goals. Andrei Dumitrescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6814 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Marketing Strategies: A Comprehensive Literature Review https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6815 The world in which people lead their lives now is full of connections. These connections have also been favored by the emergence and evolution of digital technologies. Today more than ever, individuals turn to digital solutions to communicate, to buy, to sell, and so on. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive literature review and analysis of the main digital marketing strategies. The research objectives are to identify and categorize the most common and effective digital marketing strategies from the existing literature and to contribute to the academic understanding of digital marketing strategies by synthesizing and analyzing them. The research method is qualitative, linking exploratory and descriptive approaches. A.A. Mocanu, A.C. Szakal Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6815 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AI's Secret Weapon in Education. ChatGPT – The Future of Personalized Learning https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6816 This article delves into the fascinating intersection of AI and education, with a focus on ChatGPT, a conversational AI developed by OpenAI. Noted for its human-like responses, ChatGPT is positioned as a game-changer in personalized learning. The paper aims to highlight the untapped potential of ChatGPT in educational settings and advocate for its broader adoption by educators to enhance student learning outcomes. To achieve this objective, systematic research was conducted using a variety of data sources, literature sources, research studies, and online data focused on the efficacy of ChatGPT in academic environments. Anca Popescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6816 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Exploration of Start-Ups' Resilience to Crises using the Projective Research Technique – Sentence Completion https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6817 The study explores the impact of economic, health, climate, energy, and political crises on startups, highlighting the different ways entrepreneurs perceive and manage these complex challenges. The research, conducted through semi-structured online interviews using the projective technique of sentence completion, is based on a sample of 25 managers of startups founded between 2021 and 2022 in various fields. The results highlight that managers perceive crises as situations that accentuate vulnerability and risk, but also as opportunities for innovation and creativity. Alina S. Tecau Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6817 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring Marketing Strategies Used in the Development of Education Systems: Literature Review and Research Directions https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6818 This paper provides a systematic review of the literature on strategies adopted in different educational systems from a marketing perspective. The study focuses on identifying the main directions addressed by researchers on educational marketing. The results contribute to determining existing gaps in the field of education and outlining future research directions that could eliminate some of the limitations of the research carried out and identify proposals for marketing strategies and specific actions to align educational services with the principles of social sustainability. Cristina Turcanu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6818 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the Romanian Health System from the Perspective of the Number of Hospitals https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6819 The paper presents aspects of the indicators related to the health system in Romania. The indicators considered were: the number of hospitals by type of ownership (public and private) and by development regions of Romania, time evolution (for the period 1990-2021) followed by the detailed analysis on the year 2021 of the healthcare staff, represented by the number of physicians (dentists excluded), and of the resident population at January 1st 2021. The data used for the analysis was obtained from the National Institute of Statistics. From the results of the research, it is worth noting the division into three large categories of areas according to the number of hospitals, respectively: the developed area, the partly developed area, and the undeveloped area. A. Zamfirache, A.P. Pricope (Vancia) Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6819 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Economic Welfare in Central and Southeast European Union Countries – An Econometric Approach https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6827 The importance of economic aggregates per capita: final consumption expenditure and Gross Domestic Product, for the well-being of the entire population of a country determined the analysis of the economic convergence in the countries of the Central and South-Eastern European Union (CSE). The econometric approach of convergence as a steady state of these variables was performed on panel data models with an error correction term. Establishing the long-run and short-run equations describes the convergence of welfare in the CSE region and the choice of the best model. Constantin Duguleana Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6827 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Convergence of Export-Import Flows and Economic Development in the Central and Southeast European Union https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6828 The study presents the long- and short-term relationship between international trade flows (exports/imports) and economic development (GDP) as the main driver of international economic trade. Panel data econometric models emphasize the fixed effects of the eight Central and Southeast European Union countries. The cointegration condition is met to identify the existence of long-run equilibrium. The error correction model is the iterative short-run adjustment solution to the long-run relationship for both exports and imports. Regional trade convergence is achieved by observing the cointegration of the analyzed variables; it is described by their average levels for all countries. L. Duguleana, K.D. Deszke Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6828 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On "False Friends" in the Field of Economics https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6823 “False friends” or bilingual homophones/homographs are words existing in two or more languages, sounding alike but differing significantly in meaning. They present a language learning challenge due to the inevitable confusion resulting from word migrations and similarities in sound and meaning. Coined in 1928, the term continues to fuel linguistic research, addressing comprehension confusions in the process of language acquisition. The reciprocal influences of languages, especially through neological borrowings, lead to divergent meanings in the target language. Inexperienced users may misuse these words due to homonymy. In economics, initially influenced by French borrowings, there is a substantial influx of terms from British or American English, driven by the need for precise terminology for new extralinguistic realities. This paper, drawing from teaching practice, provides brief examples and suggests strategies to navigate confusion related to translating „false friends,” emphasizing specific learning techniques and the use of online bilingual dictionaries. Ioana Paula Armasar Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6823 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Environmental Protection in Europe https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6824 The paper presents the analysis of some indicators that capture important aspects regarding the protection of the environment. The indicators chosen were: environmental protection investment of the total economy, area of wooded land, protected areas, and protected forests, as well as air emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases from production activities and households. The results showed that the reduction of pollution both from productive activity and from the households of the population can lead to the mitigation of polluting emissions as well as to the preservation of biodiversity. Environmental protection investment is also an important help against pollution if they are applied effectively. Sanda Constantin Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6824 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Schengen Membership - A Door for Emigration? Lessons from the 2007 Enlargement https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6825 The Schengen project is one of Europe’s most important accomplishments as it facilitates the free movement of goods and people. Currently, Romania and Bulgaria are on the verge of obtaining their Schengen membership and, to our knowledge, not enough emphasis has been placed on the emigration and labour market implications for aspiring candidates. This research aims to empirically evaluate the liaison between Schengen Area and labour migration. To achieve this objective, we construct a difference-in-differences research design using data from the European Labour Force Survey. The treatment is represented by the Schengen enlargement of 2007 with Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia constructing the treatment group and Romania and Bulgaria the control group. The main results show that Schengen Membership led to an increased probability of working abroad one year after treatment occurred, as well as three years after treatment occurred. Also, we can identify the demographic category most likely to emigrate as young males in search of seasonal full-time jobs Dragos Dinca Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6825 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Investigating Romania’s Export Performance Over Two Decades https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6826 This paper investigates the evolution of Romania’s international trade over two decades (2000-2019). Export performance is analyzed along with rising imports, using statistical data and measurement of the specialization index and the revealed comparative advantage (RCA) in selected categories of products. The results of the research indicate a major transformation of the structure of Romanian exports under the influence of the integration into the European Union, the world economic crisis, but also the participation in production networks. The country has lowered the trade deficit for some years and has moved towards more technology-intensive products, but efforts are still needed in trade-related infrastructure, branding and promotional support measures. Nicolae Marinescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6826 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Anti-Money Laundering in The Romanian Banking System https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6822 Because today, the laundering of money from illegal activities is performed mainly through the banking system, governments have developed Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance programs. Their implementation proves complicated and expensive, which is why many banks are sanctioned by the authorities with historic fines. In Romania, starting in 2019, the supervision process of financial banking institutions in the area of preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing has intensified, with the National Bank of Romania sanctioning some banks for their insufficient involvement and compliance in the direction of combating money laundering. Ramona Laptes Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6822 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Quality Strategies Implemented in The Romanian Wine Market https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6820 In a highly competitive market such as wine, implementing quality strategies is necessary to succeed. Consumers are increasingly knowledgeable and demanding. The paper aims to identify the primary quality strategies used in the wine market in Romania and to determine the opinions, attitudes, and perceptions of consumers regarding it. For this purpose, an exploratory analysis combined with quantitative market research was carried out. Nicoleta Andreea Neacsu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6820 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 How Can One Create an Effective Management of Quality Culture in Public Institutions https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6821 The paper addresses the quality approach in public administration from a cultural perspective and presents: theoretical considerations on the “quality culture (QC)”; a review of the publications on cultural aspects in administrative institutions; the management process of QC in public institutions and the conclusion. As the publications’ review shows, the management of the QC must be a task of the top management in any administrative institution, to identify the factors that impede the effective functioning of the quality system and to make improvements. The paper aims to support decision-makers in this regard, by presenting solutions for a systematic and effective management of QC. M. Popescu, L. Mandru Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series V: Economic Sciences https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_V/article/view/6821 Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000