Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX <h2>Aim</h2> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">The journal is a forum for quality educational research intended to have a relevant impact on the national and international academic community.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">Sciences of Human Kinetics is a peer-review scientific journal that publishes theoretical and practical research articles in the fields of sports sciences and physical education and related fields: health, kinetotherapy, nutrition, sports biomechanics, outdoor, adventure activities, sports psychology, and sports management.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">The Journal is indexed in EBSCO Publishing DataBase (<a href="http://webbut.unitbv.ro/public/site/documents/admin/a9h-subject.xls">http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-subject.xls</a>), from 2013, Erih Plus (<a href="https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info?id=491442">https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info?id=491442</a>) from September 2017, ProQuest Biological Science Database Central (<a href="http://tls.search.proquest.com/titlelist/jsp/list/tlsSingle.jsp?productId=10000238&amp;_ga=2.18107198.60810739.1511853662-1524628261.1493877904">http://www.proquest.com/products-services/biological_science.html</a>), from November 2017, DOAJ (<u><a href="https://doaj.org/toc/2344-2026?source=%7b%22query%22:%7b%22filtered%22:%7b%22filter%22:%7b%22bool%22:%7b%22must%22:%5b%7b%22term%22:%7b%22index.issn.exact%22:%222344-2026%22%7d%7d,%7b%22term%22:%7b%22_type%22:%22article%22%7d%7d%5d%7d%25">http://www.doaj.org/</a></u>), from February 2018, Crossref (<a href="https://search.crossref.org/">https://search.crossref.org</a>), from January 2019, EZD (eng. 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Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; background: white;"> </p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: right;" align="right"><span style="font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';"><a href="http://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/about" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read more</a></span></p> <p><strong>Old</strong><em><strong> </strong></em><strong>Site</strong></p> <p>Use this <a title="Series_IX" href="http://webbut2.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20IX/Series%20IX.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>LINK</strong> </a>to access the content of the old Bulletin of the <em><strong>Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics</strong></em> journal site!</p> Transilvania University Press en-US Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics 2344-2026 Recording Progress in Junior Athletes' Proprioceptive Training using Modern Sports Technology https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6713 This study investigates the efficacy of modern sports technology in monitoring and enhancing proprioceptive training among junior athletes. The research focuses on recording and analyzing the progress of young athletes engaged in proprioceptive exercises using state-of-the-art technological tools. Through a comprehensive examination of these advancements, this study aims to explore the impact of such technology on improving proprioception in junior athletes. The methods involve implementing specific training protocols while utilizing advanced tracking devices and analytical software to monitor and record the athletes' progress. The findings aim to provide insights into the effectiveness of modern sports technology in optimizing proprioceptive training among young athletes, thereby contributing to the enhancement of their overall athletic performance and injury prevention strategies. Stefan Alecu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 23 32 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Effect of Volleyball Training in Trunk Symmetry https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6714 The present study aims to determine postural deficiencies in volleyball players depending on the period of practice, in the initiation stage. The evaluation of the posture and the angle between the ankle and the trunk was carried out with the mobile app Apecs-AI Posture Evaluation and Correction System®, the symmetry of the trunk with the "Trunk Symmetry" application included in the device's program. The REEDCO Posture Assessment (RPS) rating scale was used to interpret the results. The results reveal that in maintaining postural activity in optimal conditions in volleyball players, it is recommended to ensure symmetrical strength gains through conditioning training and core stabilization training. A. Badau S. Cengiz B. Delen Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 33 40 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Role of Isoinertial Training in Improving Lower Limbs Strength https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6715 The role of isoinertial training in improving lower limb strength is the aim of this study, because, although the place and the role of isoinertial training is still debated in specialized literature, in practice, it is gaining more and more consideration. Methods. We used the CMJ test from Optojump as a measurement method, and the intensive training was carried out over 12 weeks with Romanian sprinters (N=10). As a way of comparison, the test, and retest method was used. During the training, modern devices were used to monitor the training of Romanian sprinters, by introducing a device that acts mainly on eccentric strength. The data were processed using the SPSS program. Significant statistical differences were found in the value of the height of the vertical jump (CMJ), (Z= 3.51, p=0.00). H.A. Burileanu R.V. Munteanu A.R. Stepan G.A. Cosma Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 41 46 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Motor Skill Development using Football – Specific Methods https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6716 The game of football is currently evolving rapidly, as shown in recent years, during which time the impact of the game's strategies and tactics as well as the competitive spirit of sports can be observed on both a national and worldwide scale. This article's goal is to help secondary school students develop their motor skills through methods unique to the game of football, taking into account the crucial role that sports games, particularly football, play in helping students reach their training process goals. The measuring and testing were done to emphasize the progression of the planned investigation. Ionel Caius Drula Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 47 54 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Study of Body Composition and Obesity in Children Aged 12-14 Years https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6723 In the last decades, the topic of physical activity and the consequences of lack of movement among adolescents have been particularly relevant. The purpose of the current study is to determine the body composition and obesity of children in grades 7-12 and its relationship with their physical activity through body composition analysis and statistical procedures. O. Hristov M. Zdravcheva P. Peev P. Petkova Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 55 62 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Importance of the Speed Execution in the Technical Procedures Specific to the Style Ashihara Karate https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6724 This article brings to the attention of specialists in the field, considerations regarding the determining character of the execution speed in the technical procedures that are specific to the training of Ashihara Karate practitioners. The purpose of the research is to determine the influence that the development of execution speed has on technical training, and implicitly on sports performance. The experimental research took place over 8 weeks, including 15 athletes, and members of the Sen Craiova Sports Club, aged between 20 and 35. Following the analysis of the results, we emphasize the importance of improving the execution speed of specific training techniques in obtaining an optimal competitive performance. D. Mocioaca M. Dragomir Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 63 70 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Investigating the Bio-Motor and Mental Level of Juniors at the Stage of Specialized Training in Sprinting-Hurdling-Jumping Events https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6725 Sports selection must be seen as a continuous process, correlated and directed towards a certain specialization of the child [1]. In our methodological research, we investigated the bio-motor and mental levels of Romanian juniors aged 15 to evaluate the level of compliance of their anthropometric, psychomotor, and psychological parameters with the performance requirements of the sprinting-hurdling-jumping events. We found an early specialization, the inconsistency of some anthropometric parameters (e.g. height) with the structural models of the events, as well as the need to improve self-confidence and manage psychological and physical anxiety. A.I. Predescu L.N. Mihailescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 71 78 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Didactic Strategy Proposal for Initial Research Training https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6726 The objective of this research is to propose a didactic strategy for the investigative training process of the students of the higher technician in Sports Training at the University of Artemisa, which responds to current demands. The investigative approach is presented as its general strategy. The mode of action. The diagnosis of the initial state is presented which reveals the existence of the research problem. Theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods were used. The results obtained in the indicators of the variable from its practical application and the experts' criteria manifest the feasibility and potential of the Didactic Strategy, evaluating it as very appropriate. E.M. Robaina Aguirre M. Valdes Pedroso Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 79 88 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Theoretical Aspects regarding Athletics and the Event of the Javelin Throw https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6711 Standing out among the other three throwing events, the javelin throw is known to be one of the most spectacular events in the discipline of athletics. It usually takes place in the last two days of major world competitions due to its impressive show and thrilling changes that occur during the six attempts. This paper aims to present the theoretical aspects of this event through the research and study of the published literature and scientific work of specialists in this field. As the sports domain is one of a large content this paper is a contribution to a dynamic and expanding literature. Athletics and gymnastics are the sports disciplines that lie at the basis of all sports. The throwing technique of this event is constantly improving due to the specialized equipment and the continuous development of the technologies. In conclusion, the academic literature is expanding and the theoretical aspects are adapted to the discoveries. L. Cuciorovschi R.S. Enoiu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 9 14 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Biometric Model and Optimal Age for Realization in the Women’s Triple Jump Discipline https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6712 The purpose of the present study includes creating a biometric model of highly qualified female triple jump athletes, as well as establishing the optimal age for achieving a high sports result. The purposes are 1) Analysis of the anthropometric characteristics of 30 elite triple jumpers with personal achievements over 14.70 m.; 2) To analyze the development of the sports result in the age aspect. The analysis showed that the optimal age for achieving a high sports result in the triple jump discipline for women is on average 26 years. The female athletes studied by us have an average height of 176 cm, 62 kg. and their BMI is on average 19.6. The dynamics of the development of the sports result in terms of age in the athletes we studied gives us reason to conclude that achieving a high result at an early age is not a sign of future development, but we believe that this research of ours will contribute to improving the management and modeling of the training process in an age aspect. Tereza Marinova Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 15 20 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Role of Occupational Therapy in People with Mental Health https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6732 Unfortunately, in our country, in some situations, the level of occupational therapy activities is limited to the precarious material conditions in different types of institutions. Despite the current improvements, there is still an acute need for adequate spaces and materials to carry out quality occupational therapy activities. The presence of these negative aspects, which is added to the lack of qualified personnel in the field, diminishes the quality of the recovery process in the institutions. The scientific challenge that is the subject of this paper is to highlight the role of occupational therapy in the exploration of specific resources for institutionalized persons, necessary for the development of autonomy. The objective of the research is to implement an intervention program, through remedial activities, that will contribute to direct involvement in daily life for people with mental health problems. The main conclusion of the research is that by applying remedial activities adapted to the specific needs of the client, the components of occupational performance can be improved, by increasing the degree of involvement in daily activities for institutionalized people. M. Anghel L.D. Botoc Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 133 140 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Effects of Complete Decongestive Therapy on Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6733 Breast cancer-related lymphedema is the most common side effect that occurs after the treatment. There are four stages of evolution of the lymphedema and the most frequent treatment used is complete decongestive therapy (CDT). This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of CDT in the treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema. After the final assessment, the data were processed statistically and we found that the evaluated circumferences decreased, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the CDT. O.M. Baltag A.I. Singuran M. Apostu M. Cordun Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 141 146 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Physiotherapy in Postoperative Recovery through Total Arthroplasty of Secondary Coxarthrosis https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6734 Total hip arthroplasty is a surgical intervention that replaces the affected joint with an artificial implant. This is recommended in case of damage to the targeted joint and the installation of acute pain. Currently, the procedure is most commonly performed in orthopedics, although results and patient satisfaction in the short or long term vary widely The purpose of the research is to restore the movement capacity of the lower limb following the operation through good documentation of the condition and the postoperative effects on the functioning mechanism at the articular level and by finding the kinetotherapeutic methods and means that correspond to an effective recovery. Silviu Gabriel Cioroiu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 147 158 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Effect of Therapeutic Exercise on the Gender Differences in Typical Physical Fitness Tests of Young Individuals with Intellectual Impairment https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6735 The study aimed to examine the effect of therapeutic exercise intervention (TEI) on the gender differences in typical physical fitness tests of young individuals with intellectual impairment (II). Thirty-nine young individuals with II (22 boys, 17 girls; 18.9 ± 3.2 yrs) were examined before and after the implementation of a 3-month TEI. The examined fitness tests were the sit and reach test (SRT), the standing long jump (SLJ), and the Romberg balance test with open (RBTO) and closed (RBTC) eyes. Results revealed a significant (p<.05) main effect of gender and intervention and their interaction for SLJ, but not (p>.05) for the other tests. In conclusion, longer TEI is required to provoke fitness adaptations in young persons with II. A.M. Georgiou M.C. Kotzamanidou V. Panoutsakopoulos V. Misailidou Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 159 166 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Post-Operative Recovery of Lumbar Disc Herniation https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6736 Lumbar disc herniation is a common problem among people, especially those who are professionally active. The research emphasizes how to relieve lumbar pain, pain is the central symptom of disc herniation, and this can be solved by toning the hypotonic muscles. This will contribute to improving the functionality of the spine and even overcoming the patient's fear of movement after the operation. Thus, kinetic treatment methods and means will be applied to facilitate movements, reduce pain, and reintegrate the patient into professional activity. Florentina Nechita Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 167 174 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Planning in Athletes with Physical Motor Disabilities, Bullet-Impulsion Amputees https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6737 Contemporary training is not based on experiences, its success lies in the confluence of knowledge and application of the different sciences that converge in it. The objective of the research was to argue what aspects should be considered for sports planning in athletes with physical motor disabilities, bullet amputees. Descriptive research is carried out. Arguing their different classes and classifications and the aspects to take into account when planning training. Provincial and national coaches and managers collaborated as a sample. Research methods were used such as analysis and synthesis, survey, interview, and document analysis, which made it possible to define the essential elements for a correct individualization of the training. M.J. Perna Riera J.F. Monteagudo Soler Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 175 182 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Use of Martial Arts Means in the Development and Socialization of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6738 This study aims to examine the role of martial arts in the development and socialization of children with autistic spectrum disorder. To study this problem, we researched the opinions of respondents and specialists in various fields. A total of 113 people took part in the survey. The analysis of the survey results showed that the level of knowledge about autism is medium, a good part of the respondents (78.57%) mentioned that they are familiar with the methods (means) used in the rehabilitation process of people with autism. The therapeutic methods and types of concrete martial arts that can be recommended for people with disorders caused by autism were highlighted. In conclusion, integrating children through the means of martial arts will allow them to gain confidence in themselves, and in their strength, as well as to coordinate, and control separate segments of the body while performing the movements from the simplest to the most complicated. Angela Polevaia-Secareanu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 183 192 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Survey of Users Interest in Initiatives Related to the European Program Healthy Lifestyle 4 All https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6739 The European Commission Healthy Lifestyle 4 All (HL4A) program aims to link sports and active lifestyles with health, food, and other policies. Healthy Lifestyle 4 All demonstrates the EC's commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles among all generations and across different social groups. HL4A is guided by the position that everyone can benefit from activities that improve health and well-being. The present study presents the attitudes of youth, corporations, and start-up companies regarding their involvement in initiatives related to the three pillars of Healthy Lifestyle 4, namely: Improved awareness of healthy lifestyles among all generations. Easy access to sports, physical activity, and healthy eating. A comprehensive holistic approach linking food, health, well-being, and sport. Maria Popova-Hristova Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 193 200 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Approaches and Directions for the Physiotherapeutic Management of Patients with “Duchenne” Muscular Dystrophy https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6740 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) affects cardiac and skeletal muscles but represents a condition that causes numerous secondary pathologies. Although there is no curative treatment available, multidisciplinary approaches, centered on the needs of the patient, improve the quality and duration of life. Therapies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, physical activities, and respiratory physiotherapy, but also the management of cardiac, osteo-muscular, and neuro-psychiatric manifestations, are continuously developing, (as new data becomes available) and are the key to DMD management today. These multidisciplinary approaches can lead to good long-term outcomes by helping patients with muscular dystrophy reduce muscle damage, early detect and treat heart failure, and manage cognitive impairment as best they can. I. Stanescu Boldeanu M.M. Vasilescu L. Rusu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 201 206 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Impact of Physical Exercises on the Psychomotor Capacities of Middle School Pupils https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6727 The research aims to identify the adolescents’ avoidance causes from physical education lessons and to determine the means of improving students' satisfaction with physical education. The present research is of ascertaining – ameliorative type, carried out on a sample of 15 teachers and 180 pupils from secondary classes in the Secondary School "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" and the Secondary School no 10 Bacau, Romania, between March 1, 2022 and June 10, 2022. The methods used in the research included: the analysis of the specialized literature, the diagnosis questionnaire, and the mathematical-statistical method. The main conclusions refer to the identification of the passionate fields and the preferences for the sport of the pupils, the argumentation of the need to introduce in the physical education and sports classes competitive sports games, which, besides the training of some motor qualities, ensure an extremely complex set of psychic sentimental, emotional, volitional and cognitive nature acquisitions. B. Ghica M. Onoi M.-L. Ionescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 91 96 10.31926/but.shk.2023. The Importance of Handball in the Development of High School Pupils https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6728 The aim of the research consists of identifying the opinions of pupils, parents, and teachers from high-school education institutions on the main aspects of the handball game within physical education and sports lessons and training. The present research is of ascertaining – ameliorative type, carried out on a sample of 110 people (pupils, parents, and specialized teachers) from four educational institutions in Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania: National College «Dragos Voda», Bucovina Forest College, National Military College «Stefan Cel Mare» and Technological High School no.1, between February 1, 2022, and September 1, 2022. The methods used in the research included: the analysis of the specialized literature, the diagnosis questionnaire, and the mathematical-statistical method. The main conclusions of the study refer to the benefits of the handball game, its role in the morpho-functional development of the pupils, the level of motivation of the pupils to practice this game within the physical education and sports lessons, as well as outside the hours, within the handball high school team. L.I. Hutuleac V. Calugher E. Lungu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 97 102 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Motor Development and Skills Training Students' Sports within the Framework of the School – Family Partnership https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6729 The partnership between school and family in the physical education of students is essential for the promotion of a healthy life and for the harmonious development of children. The school has the role of offering a well-structured curriculum in the field of physical education, lessons, and activities adapted to the age and level of development of the students. Physical education teachers can organize various activities, such as sports lessons, games, competitions, and special events, to support the motor development and training of students' sports skills. On the other hand, the family has an essential role in supporting and encouraging students to practice physical activity. Parents can be role models for children by adopting an active and healthy lifestyle. Victoria Lesco Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 103 112 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Improving Speed in Primary School Pupils using Integrated Dynamic Games https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6730 Current primary education aims at the multilateral development of students using means that interconnect the subjects studied so that they outline a wide range of key competencies at the end of the cycle. The present research seeks to find didactic solutions, experimentally confirmed, and transposed by the application of dynamic games, to improve the speed motor quality cumulative with the consolidation of the competencies formed within other disciplines, thus, capitalizing on the multifunctional solution of new learning situations. The study was applied to 54 students from 3rd and 4th grades in rural areas, divided into 2: a control group and an experimental group. In the school year 2021-2022, the experimental group went through a program containing integrated dynamic games for the development of speed motor quality, solving at the same time certain requirements with interdisciplinary approaches. The obtained results confirm the validity of the hypothesis by improving more obvious the speed motor quality of the students from the experiment group as a result of the implementation of the integrated dynamic game program. The study also highlights that a reorganization of activities must be made so that the student can demonstrate interconnections to respond promptly to the tasks imposed by the future society. R.A. Macovei V. Popescu Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 113 120 10.31926/but.shk.2023. Physical Exercise as Leisure Activities in Youth's Lives https://webbut.unitbv.ro/index.php/Series_IX/article/view/6731 Despite the known benefits of physical activity, there is a worldwide trend towards less daily physical activity. According to the latest Eurobarometer, 63% of the population of our country never do physical exercises or sports, placing them at the bottom of the ranking of EU countries. The present study aims to identify the share of physical activities in the free time budget of young people. Thus, it is desired that, through a sociological investigation, to investigate whether young people in the Oltenia area actively spend their free time. Methods. The research was carried out between April and June 2022 and consisted of the development, transmission, and interpretation of the data of a questionnaire applied in the online system, on the google.doc platform. The questionnaire contained 15 items referring to the free time of young people, which were answered by 71 young people under conditions of anonymity. Results. Most respondents exercise occasionally in their free time, with the frequency of exercise positively correlating with the perception of physical appearance (r=0.45, p<0.01). M.C. Nanu L. Brabiescu Calinescu D. Pascu M.A. Cosma Copyright (c) 2023 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov. Series IX: Sciences of Human Kinetics https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 121 130 10.31926/but.shk.2023.