The stages of authorization for placing in service


  • G. Dae Romanian Railway Authority - AFER, Bucharest, Romania
  • M. Carabineanu National Rail Safety Authority - ASFR, Bucharest, Romania
  • G. Dumitru National Rail Safety Authority - ASFR, Bucharest, Romania


European Railway Agency (ERA), Romanian Railway Authority - AFER (NSA), National Rail Safety Authority (ASFR), National Vehicle Register (NVR), Common Safety Methods (CSM), Standards/National Regulations (NR) Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI), Acts on Administrative Disputes (AAP)


The authorization to place in service refers to the legal steps an applicant must take in order to obtain the latter authorization. The placing in service authorization is granted on request, of a legal person in Romania or a group of legal entities registered in Romania, with state capital and/or private sector who wish to obtain a license of this nature. The placing in service authorization can be obtained for rolling stock (motor and/or towed) owned industrial railway lines, with or without access to railway infrastructure after execution of building, upgrading or renewal thereof, etc., to exploitation. Applicants for an authorization to place in service may be defined by legal persons or groups of legal entities registered in Romania, which may require the relevant authority, an authorization for placing in service are railway undertakings (RU) state-owned or privately, public infrastructure managers and/or interoperable, etc. In Romania, the competent authority may require that applicants' authorizations commissioning is Romanian Railway Authority (AFER), which has in its structure four independent bodies namely the Romanian Railway Safety Authority (ASFR), Romanian Railway Notified Body (ONFR) Romanian Railway Licensing Body (OLFR) and the Romanian Railway Investigating Body (OIFR). At the European level, the body designated to legislate entire business unit-specific rail is the European Railway Agency (ERA), for the authorization to release the clerkship common to all Member States, introduced form of a flowchart diagram summarizing over nine stages throughout the approval process for Placing in service.




